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Visit Our Fairview Farm and Guest Ranch - Rough Riders Girl's Camp Website
2998 Fairview Road
Granville Summit, Pennsylvania 16926
TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.
CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Girl Campers.
AFFILIATION(S): Christian.
BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Fairview Farm and Guest Ranch offers first class fun and adventure camps for the equine enthusiast! Our Rough Riders Girl's overnight camp features an emphasis on western riding. All ability levels are accepted, and instruction is adapted to each individual rider. Skills taught include: pleasure riding at all three gaits of walk, trot and canter, ranch horse skills, gymkhana and trail riding. In addition to equestrian activities, campers also enjoy activities such as team building, obstacle courses, swimming, fishing, and the best food east of the Mississippi!
Horses/Equestrian, Adventure, and more.
CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the beautiful Endless Mountains of Northern Pennsylvania, 50 miles north of Williamsport, PA. Our facility is situated on 460 acres of fields and woods, with miles of trails winding through the property. Please visit our website to check out our facilities and photo gallery. Our Camp Website Link: www.fairviewfarmandguestranch.com.
CAMP FACILITIES: Our facilities include a 60' by 120' outdoor arena with sand footing, an 80' by 120' indoor arena with peastone and rubber footing, 15 stall barn with two tack rooms, wash rack with heated water, swimming pool, 2.5 acre pond, 20 large pastures used for rotational grazing, cross country jumps scattered throughout the fields and trails, get-away cabin with full bath and kitchen, sleeps 10.
CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Fairview Farm and Guest Ranch also offers Bits and Bridles Girl's English Riding Camp. This overnight camp features an emphasis on English riding. All ability levels are accepted, and instruction is adapted to each individual rider. Skills taught include: riding on the flat and jumping instruction from intro through intermediate levels, games on horseback and trail riding. In addition to equestrian activities, campers also enjoy activities such as team building, obstacle courses, swimming, fishing and the best food east of the Mississippi.
Equine Adventure Camp Level 1
This week long day camp is a “stand out!” It is theme based, and full of surprises! From “Survivor” to Renaissance” to the “Olympics” to “Down Under Horse Camp”, the campers never know what their counselors have in store for them. Campers enjoy horseback riding lessons, crafts, swimming, games, trail rides and team challenges each day. Instruction is geared to meet the needs of beginner riders. Skills are taught in both disciplines of western and English riding. In addition to fun on horseback, Wednesday night offers an overnight camp out for all campers. The night is packed with special activities which are always a well -kept secret, but always fun and exciting. On Friday, the last day of camp, friends and families are invited to see the campers perform their skills in a horse show.
Ages 9-14
June 18th-22nd, 2018
Cost: $325 ($50 nonrefundable deposit due with registration.)
Equine Adventure Camp Level 2
This day camp offers the same excitement as our Level 1 Camp, however, Level 2 camp is geared to riders of intermediate ability. Campers need to be proficient at all three gaits of walk, trot, and canter, riding with control. Instruction will include both Western and English riding. As with our Level 1 camp, this camp includes many other activities such as swimming, crafts, games, trail rides and daily challenges. The famous overnight camp out on Wednesday is also included in this camp. It is a complete package of fun and learning in an energetic environment!
Ages 9-14
June 25th-29th, 2018
Cost: $325 ($50 nonrefundable deposit due with registration.)
Rough Riders Girls Western Riding Camp
Challenging! Fun! Exciting! Team Work! It all adds up to a week of this awesome overnight camp. Riders need to be confident at the walk and trot gaits and ready to head to the next level with their riding abilities. If you are between the ages of 13 and 17, and looking for a great time with horses, then this camp is for you! Here is what you can look forward to.
Instruction in western riding, including games and gymkhana.
Overnight accommodations in “The Cabin.”
Better than ever camp food.
Trail riding.
Daily challenges. (Just to keep you on your toes!)
Over night camp out with horses.
A craft or two.
Barn chores.
Evening devotions (yes, bring your Bibles).
Making friends.
And the list goes on! Here’s what you need to know:
July 9th-12th, 2018
Ages 13-17
Cost: $500 ($50 nonrefundable deposit due with registration.)
Bits and Bridles Girls English Riding Camp
If you have a desire to learn how to jump or to improve your jumping ability, then join us for this camp! Instruction will include English riding on the flat, and jumping instruction from intro through intermediate levels. Riders must be proficient at the walk and trot, and beginning their cantering skills. The week is also packed with tons of other activities, including trail riding, swimming and daily challenges. Here is what you can look forward to:
Instruction in English riding on the flat and over fences.
Overnight accommodations in “The Cabin.”
Better than ever camp food.
Games on horseback.
Trail riding.
Daily challenges. (Just to keep you on your toes!)
Over night camp out with horses.
A craft or two.
Barn chores.
Evening devotions (yes, bring your Bibles).
Making friends.
And the list goes on! Here’s what you need to know:
July 16th-19th, 2018
Ages 13-17
Cost: $500 ($50 nonrefundable deposit due with registration by March 1st, 2017. Balance to be paid by April 30th, 2017)
Pee Wee Horse Camp
This day camp caters to little people! Campers are those who are not quite ready to join the rigors of our Equine Adventure Camps, but our days are packed with excitement and filled with riding, crafts, swimming and fun, fun, fun! We are all about safety, and provide an experienced helper for each of these little campers.
Ages 4 through 8.
July 30th through August 1st, 2018
Cost: $150.
Register by June 1st with a $50 nonrefundable deposit. Balance to be paid by July 10th.
YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: See website for more information on guided trail rides, wagon rides and cabin rentals.
OTHER CAMP INFO: Please email or call for registration. Necessary forms will be sent to you, or you can pull them off of the farm website.
Equine Adventure Camp Level 1:
June 18th-22nd, 2018
Ages 9-14.
Cost: $325 ($50 nonrefundable deposit due with registration.)
Equine Adventure Camp Level 2:
June 25th-29th, 2018
Ages 9-14
Cost: $325 ($50 nonrefundable deposit due with registration.)
Rough Riders Girl's Western Riding Camp:
July 9th-12th, 2018
Ages 13-17
Cost $500. ($50 nonrefundable deposit due with registration.)
Bits and Bridles Girl's English Riding Camp
July 16th-18th, 2018
Ages 13-17
Cost $500. ($50 nonrefundable deposit due with registration.)
Pee Wee Horse Camp
July 30th through August 1st, 2018
Ages 4-8
Cost $150
Register by June 1st with a $50 nonrefundable deposit. Balance to be paid by July 10th.
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